Tictail review – Why Tictail leaves a lot to be desired...

Tictail review – Why Tictail leaves a lot to be desired...

Nowadays, setting up a successful business online can be a really challenging task, what with the stiff competition one has to deal with. However, setting up an online store seems to be a really easy way to go about taking your business online. Also, it doesn’t involves a lot of hassles like the ones you have to deal with when doing everything yourself, and on your own. This is due to the fact that an online store can be started with the help of an ecommerce platform, which provides all the important resources to make your online business a success.

However, choosing the right ecommerce platform for you can be a real hassle as well, as there are tons of options in the market, all claiming to be good than the rest. Now, if you actually want to find which is indeed the best ecommerce platform that will help you set up a successful online store, you will need to do some analysis.

Some popular names among all the ecommerce platforms happen to be Shopify, Magento, Tictail, and so on. Magento, though quite popular, offers a very complex ecommerce solution, which discourages many who do not possess specific knowledge about how to use their sophisticated features, deal with programming stuff, and so on. On the other hand, Tictail seems to be a newbie friendly ecommerce platform, having a great interface and offering high level of customization. Surprisingly, it has a free version as well, and allows one to set up an online store quickly, easily, and without paying a penny upfront.

Tictail – Why it leaves a lot to be desired

However, if you are someone looking to set up a serious online business, it’s nowhere near to what you would need. In fact, almost all the impressive features they offer like useful apps and other advanced features cost you quite a lot, despite the actual service being for free. There’s also an option to go for a paid service of $40 a month, but it too doesn’t offer anything considerable to attract anyone who intends to set up a successful and growing business online.

Comparing Tictail with Shopify

However, when it comes to Shopify, you can expect a considerably better service. There is a long list of impressive features Shopify has in store for its customers, and one can have them all without being charged a hefty amount. In fact, Shopify, as of date, stands as the most popular ecommerce platform, thanks to its user friendly interface, highly impressive customer service, great website templates, and so on.

While comparing Shopify with Tictail, the former seems to be a better option hands down. After all, it performs surprisingly well on all the aspects where the latter leaves a lot to be desired. It’s indeed a great option for both serous online marketers as well as people venturing into online marketing for the first time, for being extremely user friendly and still offering all the advanced and sophisticated features an expert online marketer would like to have while setting up his online store.

A final word

If you are someone who isn’t very serious about your online business, you can consider going with Tictail. However, if you are someone who actually intends to make the most out of your online business and grow it consistently over time, Shopify is what you need to consider going with.

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